Marine Environmental Baseline Information Network (MEBIN) contains collection of marine environmental data and information in Sri Lanka. Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat (PRDS) has initiated to establish a Marine Database with a view to defining mandatory environmental protection measures prior to future hydrocarbon exploration activities. MEBIN encourage scientists, researches and students to share and published their data in this national important programme that will be benefited by value addition for research data and recognition for researchers.
Expert advices have been provided by Professor (Ms.) P.R.T. Cumaranatunge, Dr. Kamal Ranatunga and Mr. Howard Martenstyn. The technical support is provided by National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency (NARA) to develop the database. The information on living and non-living resources within the EEZ of Sri Lanka available at various locations including NARA over the years is compiled in to this database The spatial data is covered under following four themes;
There is a large amount of abstracts, published reports and manuscripts in Sri Lanka in particular relating to above study areas. In addition unpublished data gathered by NARA and internal reports are taken in to this web based database. Such information represents a wide range of aspects on marine living resources mostly relating to biology, ecology, distribution, exploration and exploitation, conservation and management,policy, socio-economic aspects of resource users, marine products, market and trade etc. At present, the published and unpublished information are scattered everywhere. This is therefore, a useful juncture to review the current knowledge of the marine living non-living resources in Sri Lanka, and synthesize research trends; identify gaps in knowledge and future research directions. At the same time this existing data will be useful for investors, who are going to explore marine resources in future.